
What’s The Big Draw? The Big Draw is an annual event comprised of activities centered on drawing. Initiated in 2000 by the wildly successful UK Campaign for Drawing, The Big Draw promotes John Ruskin’s belief that drawing is a key to understanding and knowledge. Drawing America believes that The Big Draw is a natural way to build community by connecting to and exploring our history and identity through fun drawing activities.

Big Draw 12 South: This Is Where I Live! provides a modest start for an annual Big Draw Nashville and serves as a national model for the neighborhood approach to a Big Draw.

Here is the schedule for Saturday, October 10.

8 AM — Meet on the porch of The Frothy Monkey for tips on drawing buildings and talk on the architecture and history of 12South Neighborhood.

8:45 AM to Noon — Draw your own house or a favorite building in the neighborhood.

Noon to 2 PM — Drop off drawings at The Frothy Monkey Big Draw Station.

6 PM — Join us for evening reception to celebrate exhibit of all the drawings.
No judgment for “best drawing” — every drawing has its merit. The prize is to participate,
draw and learn how to see the neighborhood in a new way.
